双语 | 罗马帝国之心,文艺复兴之地,意大利的足球兴衰发展经历


中国很早就进入意大利足球市场: 事实上苏宁在2016年成为了国际米兰的老板。
2019年,佛罗伦萨足球队成为了意大利裔美国企业家罗科 · 科米索的财产。米兰足球队是卢森堡和美国老板之间的“竞赛”,而博洛尼亚则归加拿大所有。
There is no doubt that Italian football is one of the things that has made Italy more famous abroad. Football has always been a very popular sport in Italy, but more and more countries have begun to play this sport in recent years. In addition, the worldwide popularity of Italian football has prompted many foreigners to buy Italian football teams.
Let’s take a look at some specific purchases:
China entered the Italian football market very early: in fact, Suning became the owner of Inter in 2016.
In 2019, the Fiorentina football team became the property of Italian-American entrepreneur Ruocco Comiso. The Milan football team is “disputed” between owners of Luxembourg and owners of United States, while Bologna is owned by Canada.

双语 | 罗马帝国之心,文艺复兴之地,意大利的足球兴衰发展经历

2020年,美国控股公司 Krause 击败了卡塔尔 Al Mana 家族的竞争,买下了帕尔马队。Krause 控股公司经营餐饮业,在美国拥有连锁零售店,并控制 Progetto Stadio Parma srl 公司99% 的股份。 Progetto Stadio Parma srl 公司是为翻新 Ennio Tardini 体育场而成立的。
In 2020, American holding company Krause beat out Qatar’s Al Mana family to buy Parma. Krause Holdings operates in the restaurant industry, owns retail chains in the United States and now controls 99 per cent of “ Progetto Stadio Parma Srl”, which was established to renovate the Ennio Tardini Stadium.
In 2020, the United States also bought the soccer teams in Rome, Venice and Livorno.

双语 | 罗马帝国之心,文艺复兴之地,意大利的足球兴衰发展经历

Why did so many foreign entrepreneurs decide to buy Italian football teams? Of course, because Italian football is a great sport, and because it is a growing sector that has barely suffered from the economic crisis, the enthusiasm for it has never changed.

双语 | 罗马帝国之心,文艺复兴之地,意大利的足球兴衰发展经历

The origin of modern Italian football
The origin of modern Italian football was at the end of the 19th century, when English sailors and merchants brought the game to Italy, the Italian Football Federation was founded in 1898 and became a member of FIFA in 1905, five years later, when Italy beat France 5-2 in its first international game.

双语 | 罗马帝国之心,文艺复兴之地,意大利的足球兴衰发展经历

After hosting the First World Cup in 1930, Italy won the World Cup in 1934 and 1938. The 1934 FIFA World Cup was hosted by Italy, which beat the Czech Republic 2-1 in extra time, and the 1938 FIFA World Cup was hosted by France, which defended its title by beating Hungary 4-2. So far, only Italy and Brazil have successfully defended their world cup titles.

双语 | 罗马帝国之心,文艺复兴之地,意大利的足球兴衰发展经历

When Italy won the European Cup in 1968, the Italian national team returned back to their strength. Italy beat Yugoslavia 2-0 in the final to win their first title since 1938 FIFA World Cup. Two years later, they qualified for the 1970 World Cup and Italy entered the final, where they were beaten 4-1 by Brazil, who had already won two world cups at the time. The 1982 World Cup was the best performance ever of the Italian national team, with a 2-1 win over Argentina, a 3-2 win over Brazil, a 2-0 win over Poland in the last four and a 3-1 win over Germany in the final. Scoring six goals Paolo Rossi became the “hero” of that game. For more than a decade, Italy did not win any titles, but they did well. The UEFA Euro 1988 entered the Final Four and lost 0-2 in the Soviet Union. In the semi-finals of the World Cup in 1990, Italy finished third by beating England 2-1 in the third-place match, with Salvatore Schillaci scoring six goals.

双语 | 罗马帝国之心,文艺复兴之地,意大利的足球兴衰发展经历

The deep traditions and culture of football are the guarantor of Italian “Renaissance”. The era of majestic elegance is long gone, and the difficult road ahead is still accompanied by hope. This land, which carries the original football memories and youthful feelings of countless Chinese fans, will surely be revitalised!
This is Italy, where classic meets modern, an unforgettable country in the football world; this country will certainly rise up in the next adversity!

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